Cyber Security Project Management
A thorough course on the stages involved in managing complex cybersecurity projects.
40 hours
Management and Awarenesss
40 hours
Management and Awarenesss


Cybersecurity has become a key issue for businesses, with many organizations looking to protect their data and information from sophisticated potential threats. The need for project management skills within the cybersecurity world has become a priority and a must for implementing innovative and effective defense systems strategies.    
Accurate and well-implemented management practices are proven to lead to more effective projects with a smarter use of resources and improved timeframes. Good project management leads to risk reduction and increased success rates.
SOTERIA Global’s Cyber Security Project Management course provides Project Management professionals who want to delve into the world of cybersecurity with the appropriate skills to push for more streamlined and successful projects. PMs will deep-dive into the tools and techniques to implement and monitor cybersecurity strategies. All trainees will learn how to align the interests of their team, and push for better cybersecurity results.

The course covers the following topics:


It’s important to improve the accordion’s behaviour

Intro to Project Management
  • The role of cybersecurity in project management
  • Building up a project
  • Defining the security plan for a project
  • Limitations and success metrics for a project
  • Determining the feasibility of the security plan and project
Intro to IT Security Projects
  • The role of stakeholders in PMITS
  • IT Security projects: objectives, requirements, and processes
  • About Issue tracking and management systems
  • Approval filters and processes
  • Building the best IT Security Project Team
Project Planning
  • The scope of the IT security project planning
  • The logic behind branching out activities and tasks
  • Determining budget, schedule, and risks
  • Adding streams and depreciating streams
Project Management
  • Performance metrics
  • Organizing and presenting data
  • IT Security Project Documentation
  • Introduction to risk management
  • Introduction to change management
  • Testing units and sessions
  • Quality Control for Projects
Closing the IT security project
  • IT Security Project Closure: Overview
  • Preparing closure statements and reports
  • Prepare compliance reports
Project Monitoring and Control
  • The project monitoring strategy
  • Intro to Penetration Testing
  • Intro to Security Audits
  • Understanding risks and vulnerabilities for IT security
  • Infrastructure security assessment
  • Preparing mitigation strategies
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SOTERIA Global is a global leader in cyber-security training solutions and services.

The cyber world is now a part of our everyday life. New technology emerges daily, and as opportunities increase, so do cyber risks. Threats constantly evolve, and we must protect our valuable assets.

A successful cyber defense has many factors, but they all have one thing in common: dedicated, skilled individuals.

SOTERIA Global experts develop our solutions and rely on the best technological assets in the market. Our impressive global presence expands over four continents, giving us access to the best cybersecurity professionals.

Our solutions range from customized training programs to developing cyber-oriented facilities, ensuring that individuals and organizations are ready to face real-world threats. Over the years, we have worked with various organizations across many sectors, giving us the skillset to shape and adapt our solutions to meet our client’s needs.

    • Security project managers
    • Systems designers and engineers
    • Security managers
    • Security consultants
    • Practical experience in managing software or infrastructure project
    • Good familiarity with the cyber-security domain
    • Ability to manage complex cyber-security projects
    • Oversee cyber-security projects